Fesch’markt brings austrian creatives on an urban marketplace together! The result of this is a festival for the independent creative community and combines art, design, food & lifstyle. We are the center for new ideas with more than 220 upcoming talents, artists, caterer and creatives in Vienna, Graz and Feldkirch – for more than 10 years now!
It all started in 2010 as a market for friends and family but soon or later we all knew that the people of Vienna want something new, something special, besides the mainstream! Therefore we offer small independent labels and young artists the opportunity to represent and sell their brand. We are closing the gap between online shopping and customer contact. New ideas, attention to detail and craftsmanship are important to us! For that reason we are choosing the most national and international inventive ideas of the categories fashion, jewelry, accessoires, art, graphic, product design, food, delicacies, sport and kids design. Most of them are still insider tips but a few are already in the scene. But the most important point is the independent production!
Fesch’markt Vienna
Fesch’markt Graz
Fesch’markt Vlbg
Lucky bags
Cotton bag
filled with goodies
branded with the newest Fesch’Claim
Other Fesch’Events (A few events are paused because of Covid-19)
FESCH zu Besuch
Fesch’markt brings austrian creatives on an urban marketplace together. The outcome of this is a festival for the independent creative community and combines art, design, food & lifstyle. We are with more than 220 upcoming talents, artists, caterer and creatives in Vienna, Graz and Feldkirch. We want to share with you some fesch’impressions:
Fesche Partner 2021:
Main Partner
Ottakringer / Chandon / Carpe Diem / Red Bull
Media Partner
Der Standard / FM4 / Ö1 Intro / Volume / Goodnight / miss / Vienna Würstelstand / The Gap / Gusto / Wienlive / infograz.at / Kleine Zeitung / Futter / Creative Industries Styria / Die Steirerin / Datum / Schöner Wohnen / Radlobby / Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur / Vegane Gesellschaft Österreich /
Event Partner
Kunsttankstelle Ottakring / Seifenfabrik / Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium / Rauch
Hotel Partner
× Wien: Superbude / JO & JOE / Grätzlhotel / Magdas Hotel
× Graz: Lend Hotel / Schlossberghotel / Grand Hôtel Wiesler / Kai 36
× Feldkirch: Hotel Weisses Kreuz / Business Motel Feldkirch
You want to save a picture? right-hand click, “open link in a new tab” and save the picture!
Besides that we have a few Dropbox-folder for you with the latest Press-Kits (Pictures, Flyer, Logo,…). If you need further informations feel free to send us an e-mail!
If you are using one of our pictures, please give credits to the photographer. You can find the photographer’s name directly in the filename. Thank you!