What started as an idea with a glass of wine has made big waves. There are hundreds of stories to tell about what we, together with you, have experienced over the past 13 ½ years. We celebrated, survived crises and grew together.
Countless labels, small and large companies have emerged, some of them because of and with Fesch’markt. This fills as with pride and leaves us with pure gratitude.

Your support and participation helped make this collaboration particularly meaningful for to us. Our goal was always to make a difference in Vienna and subsequently in our country and to draw focus/appreciation to the local creative industries – and we did that.

We were aiming to make a change within the local viennese, and later on the national, creative industries. Focusing the attention to it, making it stronger. Your countless visits helped us reaching our goals – and together we succeeded.

Now it is time for us to take new paths. Barbara will reorient herself professionally and use her interests in a different area and Katrin will concentrate on her existing culinary festival »mit alles« and organize design fairs (for now) in Vienna and Dornbirn under the new name “CREAM”.

Nun ist es auch für uns an der Zeit neue Wege zu gehen. Barbara wird sich beruflich neu orientieren und ihre Interessen in einem anderen Bereich einsetzen. Katrin wird sich auf ihr bestehendes Kulinarikfest »mit alles« konzentrieren und unter dem Namen »CREAM« Designmessen (vorerst) in Wien und Dornbirn veranstalten.

One big hug and many thanks goes out to our most fesch grafic designer Kaz  which supported over most of our companies journey. Without her Fesch’markt would have never had it’s unique and progressive looks.

We hope our paths will cross once again.

Lots of fesch love from us to you! And always, always STAY FESCH! 😘

Your Fesch’crew


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